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Protect your loan for your love one

What is Manulife Group Credit Life

Manulife Group Credit Life is part of the Manulife Group Protector product. It is designed to provide loan protection (both new and existing loans) and peace of mind for the Bank and customer (borrower) should an untimely death or total disability occur before the loan is fully paid off.


Why should you get Manulife Group Credit Life?

  •  Receive protection up to USD 30,000 or 120 million Riel in case of death or disability of the life insured. (*The excess amount after paying off the bank loan will be given to the borrower or the borrower's immediate family member.)
  • Health check-up is not required
  • No matter where you are, you are covered

About this product

  • Eligible for All banks and microfinance institutions that offer loan services.
  • Age eligibility of borrower: 18 years old and above
  • Currency: Khmer Riel and US dollar.
  • Coverage amount: Starting from USD 2,000 or 8 million riels
  • Premium Payment Period: One-time payment
  • Type of loans: Mortgage, Personal loan, business loan, agriculture loan.
  • The bank can also offer financing options for the borrowers to pay the premium.

Another group protector product

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