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Exclusions for Waiver of Premium Benefit on Major-Stage Critical Illness (Policyowner) 

No covered benefits will be payable if the occurrence of insured event resulted from either directly or indirectly, wholly or partly from any of below item(s). If the covered event is not payable and leads to the termination of this Policy, the liability of the Company shall be limited only to the return of total Premium paid from Policy Issue Date or Policy Reinstatement Date (whichever is later), less any paid Savings Benefit (if any) and/or less the medical examination expense (if any) and/or expenses reasonably occurred for the underwriting process (if any).

a. All Pre-existing conditions and the complications arising from the Pre-existing Conditions; or 

b. All Critical Illness presenting, or any symptoms presenting or diagnosed within the Waiting Period, inclusive of all Early-stage Critical illness that are first diagnosed during the waiting period and that progress to a major critical illness after the waiting period expired,  

c. Congenital diseases or birth defects; or 

d. Disease/s resulting from Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), AIDS-related complex or infection by Human Immune Deficiency Virus(HIV) (except in cases of HIV due to blood transfusion /Occupationally acquired AIDS); or 

e. Attempted suicide or any self-inflicted injury, whether the Life Insured is sane or insane; or 

f. The Life Insured being under the influence of alcohol or the taking of any drug, except under the direction of a registered Medical Practitioner; or 

g. War or any act of war, whether declared or not, riot, insurrection, civil commotion, strikes terrorist activities, whether or not the Life Insured was participating therein; or 

h. Committed criminal offense or an attempted commitment of a criminal offense by the Policyowner, Life Insured, or Beneficiary. Beneficiaries not involved in the aforementioned criminal activity will remain eligible to receive their benefits. 

i. Engaging in or took part in driving or riding in any kind of race, underwater activities, or other hazardous pursuit such as mountaineering or potholing or parachuting or bungee jumping. 

j. Traveled or flight in any vehicle or device for aerial navigation, except as a passenger on an aircraft operated by a regular airline. 

k. Any conditions that are excluded under each covered critical illness’s definition.