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Tips for Walking Posture

With MOVE, you have been tracking your steps every day, but are you getting the full benefit of walking as an exercise?

Here are some tips for a “proper” walking posture that can help you move forward with less effort and avoid discomfort.


Body Posture

  • Stand straight with your feet apart and toes pointing forward, not at an angle.
  • Look forward instead of at the ground
  • Keep your back straight, do not arch forward or backward
  • Relax your shoulders and let them move naturally

Arm Movement

  • Move your arms for better balance
  • Let the arm opposite your forward foot swing forward naturally


  • Breathe in through your nose, slowly and deeply
  • Exhale through your mouth
  • Expand your belly and take long slow breaths
  • Allow your lungs to fill completely, drawing your shoulders back as you do

Our related tips

ManulifeMOVE Support Center

Mon - Fri, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm excluding public holidays.


Hotline: 1800-211-211

ManulifeMOVE Support Center

Mon - Fri, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm excluding public holidays.


Hotline: 1800-211-211