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How to wear a non-medical fabric mask safely during COVID-19 

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Do’s and don’ts


  • Clean your hands before touching the mask
  • Inspect the mask for damage or if dirty
  • Adjust the mask to your face without leaving the gaps on the side
  • Cover your mouth, nose, and chin
  • Avoid touching the mask
  • Clean your hands before removing the mask
  • Remove the mask by the straps behind the ears or head
  • Pull the mask away from your face
  • Store the mask in a clean plastic, resealable bag if it is not dirty or wet and plan to re-use it
  • Remove the mask by the straps when taking it out the bag
  • Wash the mask in soap or detergent, preferably with hot water, at least once a day
  • Clean your hands after removing the mask


  • Do not use a mask that looks damaged
  • Do not wear a loose mask
  • Do not wear the mask under the nose
  • Do not remove the mask where there are people within 1 metre
  • Do not use a mask that is difficult to breathe through
  • Do not wear a dirty or wet mask
  • Do not share your mask with others

A fabric mask can protect others around you. To protect yourself and prevent the spread of COVID-19, remember to keep at least 1 metre distances from others, clean your hands frequently and thoroughly, and avoid touching your face and mask​


For more information please kindly contact your nearest hospital and reach out to Ministry of health as below contact information: 

 115 free of charge or 012825424/012488981​​/012836868

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